It’s been awhile

It’s Monday morning where I am and I haven’t posted in awhile. You ever find yourself stuck, in a rut, don’t know what to write about, worried your going to sound repetitive or boring even? Well, right now with my Blog site that’s where I am at.

It has been about two, maybe three months I think since I started my journey into the world of blogging. As I stand here (yes I am actually standing in my kitchen) wondering what I could do next, what can I write about. I have posted recipes, posted about my gardening and family vacation, and About my blog.

What’s next for me? I’m not sure where to go from here. It’s definitely a learning process. I want to take the next step to grow my blog site by purchasing a hosting package. My free site is limited with the amount of media I can upload and the only way to upload more media is to purchase hosting. I wasn’t ready to take the jump, and if I can be honest, I really don’t want to spend the extra money.

What did I do, social media was my answer. Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest gives me an outlet to share my ideas and photos without limiting the amount of photos/media. So that’s where I have been for about a month. On my social media sites.

Why? Because I love being able to share my ideas, photos and what I do without limitation. And it’s free!! Yes, I’m rambling. I got frustrated, I’m not the type of blogger that can come up with ideas, niches, helpful blogging tips, etc. that easily. I find I’m better at writing/posting when something pops up in my head.

Do I have a niche? I don’t really know, I don’t like to put myself in a box because there’s so much I love to do. I’m a SAH wife and mom that likes to write about everything I love to do ( diy, cooking, baking, gardening, reading, movies, everyday living), whether that’s for my family and friends or just for myself. If I need a niche, I’ll call myself an everyday life and mom blogger.

Writing and posting on my site and social media is my outlet/hobby. If I grow along the way, and gain a following that’s great!! If it takes me longer to grow, gain a following, earn money by blogging/social media, I’m okay with that. I am enjoying the ride and sharing what I love to do.

In closing, that’s why it has been a while, frustration and writers/posters block if you want to call it that. But I’m back and I’m on a mission to share my ideas, and everyday life with the world.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post’s and checking out my blog. Feel free to like, comment, and share!! Until next (whenever that may be) have a great day!!



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